RUFF has had some wonderful dogs in our program classified as "Dynamic Dogs". Whether they were a little more mature, may have had a special need, needed an experienced dog owner or just took a while longer to find their perfect forever home, these dogs were dynamic in their own unique way. Read below to view their happily ever after 'tails'....
Hi, my name is Betsy and I was once a Dynamic Dog in RUFF's program. Now I am living out my days in my forever home with one of my babies! You heard right...a super nice family came out to an adoption event and adopted one of my puppies and fell in love with me too! So now we both get to live out the rest of our days together as Mother and Daughter in the same home with lots of love and toys. With my new family I enjoy to go for car rides and play all day with my pup Piper. Life is good for me thanks to RUFF so come on and give another Dynamic Dog a chance at a wonderful forever home!

Hank is doing great. He is the perfect addition to our family. Hank and his little beagle sister, Abbi, get along wonderfully. He’s a good big brother. He goes outside with Abbi and stands guard on the deck till she is ready to go back in the house and he waits and walks back to the door with her. Hank is very laid back, he loves to lay on the deck during the day and watch the birds and the squirrels. He enjoys going for rides, and he has been to Petsmart a couple times for grooming. The only issue we’ve had with him is that he's tall enough to take things from the kitchen counters. To date he has taken two loaves of bread and a whole ham when our backs were turned. Fortunately, we caught him before he ate any bread or ham. Hank is the most sweet, smart, funny guy. He makes us laugh, and we just love him to death. We are forever greatful to Ruff and Christine for saving him.

Hi, my name is Brindle and I was rescued by RUFF from a nasty yard where I had been "living" the end of chain with my litter of puppies. I wasn't in the best shape but look at me now! Thanks to my foster Mama(s) that's right I said Mama(s) I have many different volunteers in the RUFF family to thank for my success and progress I have found my wonderful forever home with my new family. My new Mom is happy to report that I love my stuffed bear and snoozing on the couch and one of my favorite activities is to go for car rides...I am a great passenger :). As you can see, Dynamic Dogs make wonderful comapanions! So come on out to the next adoption event and pick out one of my comrades to add to your family!!

Titan (aka Sam)
Hi my name is Sam! Well it used to be Titan. You see I was found with my brother dumped in an abandoned field with no food and no family. Lucky for me my story has a happy ending! A nice lady from RUFF came along and scooped us up and we both found our forever homes. Mine just happens to be with my Mom and Dad living the life out in the country near a horse barn. I get to go with my Mom up to the barn during the week while she rides horses and run in the pastures. It's a dog's life! I have gained so much confidence in my new home and my Mom and Dad say that I get back just as much love as I give. As you can see from my picture I enjoy swimming too! I am so thankful that I found my happy ever after thanks to RUFF!

Ivy (aka Molly Brown)
Hey ya'll my name is Molly Brown, formerly known as Ivy. You see, I used to be a RUFF program dog, that is until I hit the jackpot with my new family. After giving birth to my 8 pups and doing a short stent in a local kill shelter I was patiently waiting with my foster Mom to find my forever family when my Mom and Dad saw me at an adoption event one day. Look at me now! I live way out in the country on several acres with my parents and my new baby brother named JoJo, who has tons of energy so he keeps me busy playing with toys most of the day. He is a good boy and understands that I am the queen bee so we get along just fine. Yep, life is pretty good for this ol' gal...from living the shelter life to the spoiled rotten one!

Hi my name is Sassy don't I look like the happiest girl in the world? That's because I am!! I have finally found my perfect forever home thanks to RUFF. My Mom and Dad love me so much and I get to go on daily walk/runs. It works out great for me because I am an "only dog" child and get all of my Mom and Dad's hugs and kisses. Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention that little detail...I am SUPER good at giving hugs just in case you couldn't tell from my family portrait. Yep, life is pretty swell for me these days and I am one lucky girl thanks to the caring people at RUFF and my new parents who love and spoil me rotten!

Hi my name is Sydney and my brother and I were rescued by RUFF when we were young pups. We were given a second chance at life and because of that I got lucky enough to find my new Mom and fur sister. I am living the good life now, going on daily visits to the dog park and being an excellent assistant to my Mom when she brings her work home with her, as you can see in my picture below. Yes, my life is full and happy now thanks to the great fosters and volunteers with RUFF, and my Mom who saw something special in me and decided to take me home and give me my happily ever after!

Hi my name is Shaely and I am one lucky girl! I came to RUFF as a high energy dog that wasn't so sure about sharing my time with other canines. I was fortunante enough to have a foster Mom and Dad that were both willing to work very hard with me on my training and they spent so much time with me they decided they just couldn't give me up! So I am what RUFF fosters and volunteers like to call a "foster failure", but as you can tell from my picture below I am living the good life now thanks to my Mom and Dad and the caring volunteers at RUFF.

Picasso (now Shadow Bear)
I want to thank RUFF of Garner for rescuing the love of my life from the Humane Society! He is a 9 year old Lhasa Apso named Shadow Bear (previously Picasso.) Bear has fit right in with my large animal family from day one. I understand he spent some months with a foster mommy prior to coming to live with me. I would like to thank her personally for all the good work she did with him. Shadow Bear has never had a single "accident" in my house. He shares his food and plays with all the other animals. I can hear the cats chasing him up and down the hall sometimes. The Pitbull joins in and it's a full blown party. He also washes the cats and makes their hair all poofy! Bear is great on a leash and enjoys his walks. He goes to the dog park and plays with all the other dogs. Here is a picture of my babies with Shadow Bear on the far left.
RUFF is doing great things! They are getting wonderful animals off the streets and having them altered so they do not populate. They stay in touch with adopting parents to make sure the animals, and their new parents, are happy. Please think twice before buying a puppy or kitten! I know they are fun when they are tiny but they always grow up, always. Adopting an animals is a great way to recycle...and remember, these animals are usually more mellow, they are house broken, they can walk on leashes, they appreciate your love more than those who have never been homeless, and they have been observed by professionals who can give you a pretty good idea of what to expect regarding their habits and temperaments.

Hi my name is Ava and I am sweet little tank of a girl that had a rough beginning in life, but thanks to RUFF I was able to find my happy ever after with my new family. See that beautiful black, sleek terrier mix sunning on the deck in the pic below? Yep that's me with one of my new canine sisters Lexus. My new Mom and Dad said they love me to pieces and are so happy they found me, apparently I am a quick learner and I have fit in perfectly with all of my siblings both canine and human! Life is sweet for me now thanks to the wonderful fosters and volunteers at RUFF!

Hi my name is Hope and my story with RUFF is a long one. I came into the program as a pregnant stray and after my pups were born and found their homes it was my turn. I wasn't in the best of shape when I came into the program but thanks to the wonderful volunteers at RUFF with a little TLC I was back on my paws in no time! Apparently I was so sweet and captivating to my foster Mom and Dad that they just couldn't give me up :). So, I am what we like to call a "foster failure" and I am living out my days spoiled rotten with my new family and canine siblings. Thank you RUFF for giving me and my pups a second chance!